Back pain in the middle of the

Often, when complaints of back pain in the middle of the patients revealed a curvature of the spine. But can also develop other diseases: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral hernia, etc. does not rule out pathology of the shoulder, shoulder joint, clavicle bone connection.

back pain in the middle of the

Why is there such a symptoms and what to do in the treatment and diagnosis – it is told in material. It is possible to know the distribution of pathology, where doctors for the treatment of a particular disease.

If you are worried about back pain in the middle, you can sign up for a free access to our clinic, manual therapy in Moscow. Here you can examine the experienced physician of the spine. He can make an accurate diagnosis, individualized treatment to recommend, if necessary, conduct further investigation.

Pain in the spine middle of the back: what to do?

The first thing to do if you have a spine in the middle back is to go to the doctor. If there are accompanying symptoms indicating pathology of the cardiovascular system, you should first visit your doctor, a cardiologist. His help may be necessary if the following signs:

  • cyanosis of the lips and nasolabial triangle (cyanosis underlying circulatory insufficiency);
  • disorders of the heart;
  • swelling of the legs and arms;
  • shortness of breath, including eve alone, which is enhanced in the supine position;
  • cough and shortness of breath.

If such symptoms are absent, then with high probability the pain provoked problems in the area of the intervertebral discs or vertebrae. Less pain in the spine middle of the back on the background of injuries of the vertebrae and facet joints. There is a great opportunity for the bulge and disc herniation, scoliosis and other posture disorders.

When pain in the spine, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of osteomalacia and osteopenia. This is especially true for young women in "interesting position". Pregnancy is very hard on a woman's body time. There is a growing need in many nourishing nutrients, minerals and vitamins. If the diet of a pregnant woman contains an insufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in his body begins the process of resolution of the bone tissue, due to leaching of calcium salts. Can hurt teeth, bones, which are subjected to curvature, the articulation of the pelvic bones and the spine.

Pain in the spine during pregnancy is always a reason to go to the doctor. During the 30 weeks is highly recommended to visit a doctor and undergo a course of manual therapy. This allows the body to prepare for the birth process, and to eliminate the risk of developing numerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which affect women.

If you have a spine in the middle of the back of the man, so it is necessary to exclude ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is typically present in the stiffness in the morning, which occurs at lunch time and not bother until the next morning. This is the first sign of developing ankylosing spondylitis. You need to go to the reception to the orthopedist. In the later stages of ankylosing spondylitis the spine stop has a capacity for flexibility and mobility. It turns into a fossilized structure that does not allow you to bend, to bend, to turn the body in different directions. This can be avoided by using a method of manual therapy used in the early stages of ankylosing spondylitis.

Why back hurts in the middle of the back?

the causes of back pain

Why back pain in the middle of the children, young people and adults? To understand this question, it is necessary to consider carefully the anatomy of this region of the musculoskeletal system.

In the middle of the back to back is the thoracic spine. It consists of 12 vertebrae. They differ in their structure: the side surfaces are costal fossa. They rest against the ends of the arch ribs. Thus is formed a movable joint, through which the movement of the ribs when performing the respiratory movements. As you inhale arch ribs make lifting up and chest expand. Mobility is provided by the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdomen.

The thoracic spine has a physiological bending in the form of letters, called kyphosis. When kyphosis occurs in the sense of a flat back, aggravation of the back will round, and bad posture. And this conditions can cause pain in the spine, because they suffer from the rib-vertebrae joints, which are deformed and destructive processes.

If it hurts behind the middle of the back, so it is also important to leave the develop scoliosis. This disease is characterized by violation of the position in the lateral plane. The patient may show the following signs of scoliosis of the thoracic spine:

  • one shoulder is smaller than the other;
  • when sitting the body is tilted in one direction;
  • the angles of the blades are located at different levels.

Symptoms of scoliosis can develop gradually. Pain in the middle of the back is one of the earliest signs. When the complaint should immediately contact your doctor. The doctor through manual research and lateral x-ray images to create the presence of scoliosis, the form and degree of pathological deformation. Depending on the diagnosis is prescribed for the treatment.

Why pain between the shoulder blades behind the middle of the

Just because the pain between the shoulder blades behind the middle, can only be face-to-face time with the manual research and diagnostic functional tests. The most common causes of this symptoms are:

  • incorrect statement of the foot, thus distributing the shock load when walking and running does not affect the lumbar spine and affects the chest, provoking increased pressure on the intervertebral discs and cause pain;
  • all possible violations of posture and curvature of the spine leads to the fact that begins to break down the side-joints of the spine, locking the position of the breast;
  • obesity, especially associated with visceral obesity, leads to a violation of the provisions of the film and change the balance of the intracavitary pressure – it affects the arches of the ribs, which can injure the intercostal muscles and nerves;
  • the different length of the legs, including those due to destruction of the hip or knee joint formed in the second degree scoliosis, with a compensatory purpose;
  • spondylosis, spondylosis and other damage to the facet joints and the vertebrae and the ribs;
  • intervertebral disc protrusion, disc herniation, spinal stenosis;
  • osteophytes often in the form of special plates of the thoracic vertebrae, because of their small mobility;
  • the displacement of the vertebrae body under the influence of traumatic factors (falls, bruises, fractures, the vertebrae and spinous processes).
to what doctor to address

If back pain at the top in the middle, it is also necessary to make a differential diagnostic, which are diseases of the heart and lungs. The patient is recommended to do chest x-rays, in that case you need to visit a pulmonologist cardiologist, perform an ECG-investigation, etc.

Why sore in the middle back near the spine?

Often hurts in the middle of the back near the spine is a long ligament, which supports the balance of all the vertebrae. All the ligaments of the spine are two long longitudinal ligament, which began in the region of the occipital bone, and near the end of the tailbone (front and rear). Short wires are yellow and Mezobereny.

The ligaments of the spine are responsible for the integrity of the structure, preservation of the vertebral body to a predetermined position. With decreasing height of the intervertebral disc is a gradual decrease in the length of ligaments. Therefore, in the initial stage, the protrusion is the instability of the position of the vertebra. It can be accompanied by a periodic pinching of the root system of the nerves extending from the spinal cord through the holes.

Why back pain in the middle of osteochondrosis? Here the role of several factors. The first is degeneration and degeneration of the connective tissue of the intervertebral discs. It loses elasticity and undergoes a continuous process of drying, cracking and calcining. It causes recurring damage in the inflammatory reaction. When the sliding part of the nucleus pulposus into the formed crack in the fibrous ring occurs in the hernia. It is the source, of protein compounds, which are recognized by the immune system as foreign. In response to this, there occurs the reaction of inflammation.

Another factor, the appearance of pain is a compensatory reaction to excessive tension muscular frame back. Regardless of where the focus of the inflammatory reaction of the spine to the surrounding muscles are exposed to excessive voltage to compensate for the lost shock absorption. Thus any position of the vertebral bodies, separated from the shattered disc between the vertebrae. Excess muscle tension giving long-lasting pain, which is amplified when trying to perform any movement.

If very sore lower back in the middle of the

If a sore lower back in the middle, it is important to rule out the possibility of kidney disease. Positive symptom of pasternatskogo is a manifestation of the prescription renal ultrasound, urography, urine. If you sign pasternatskogo negative, the doctor makes a diagnosis and identifies one form of pathology of the spine. It may be spondylosis, spondylosis, arthrosis deformans of the rib-spine joints, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.

If the sore back in the middle, you need to contact a doctor. The doctor can put a diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

With the help of methods of manual therapy can be used to treat almost all diseases of the spine and its joints. It is possible to completely cure the lower back pain and get rid of the herniated disc, to restore the mobility of a cicatricial deformity of the muscle tissue, to rule out the development of ankylosing spondylitis.

The techniques we use in our clinic chiropractic:

  1. massage and osteopathy for I will restore elasticity to the tissue microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid;
  2. physical therapy and kinesio therapy – toning the muscular frame of the back and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  3. reflexology – start the process of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  4. physical therapy, as a complementary measure.
  5. laser for the treatment of diseases that require site-specific application.
for the treatment of back pain

You can register for free admission to our clinic, manual therapy. The doctor accurate diagnosis can give you personal advice, and if necessary – to develop a completely personalized treatment plan, which has a positive effect.